RESA Convention Take-Aways
I'm going to share a post on some of the key things I learned at RESA Convention and would love to feature you!
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We would love to have your smiling face in the photo, so go to to set up your global image to display automatically (it's free and takes a minute to upload a photo). for submitting your learning tip!!
Here's what your tip will look like when I end up using cool is this?
Lamps & lampshades are difficult to store & transport. Trying to match up the lampshades is even harder when the base is stored on a different shelf. One tip was to remove the shade, harp & finial from one lamp and only the shade from the matching lamp and store those two shades together, (hopefully they nest). Then when it comes time to find the matching lamps you will be able to locate the other lamp much easier.
Bringing the Mojo: Everyday Staging Hacks, Tricks and Tips is a great place to post your job listing for free to attract and hire good assistants. It also pre-screens them by making them answer a series of canned questions.
Veteran 6+ Year Home Stager Interactive Group Session - Comment by Michelle Minch
Have an accountability partner, focus on long term goals for your business and profit first
Learned inside tips on different e-design programs. Tips on how to use the platforms.
The financial responsibilities of having a business. I had attended a business class that was offered free of charge by the State of California": Equalization Board, a week before the convention. The presentation at RESA by David of Synergy Staging on the business portion was even better.
The Business of Staging
Know Thy Numbers! 2 ways to grow your profit is to grow your income or reduce your expenses, preferably do both!
Debbie Boggs - Are You Profitable
Carry a box of Crayola crayons in your tool bag to touch up nicks and scratches on frames etc. If you have old books that you have read but can use in your stagings spray paint them white with chalk paint, two coats will do! A video of 30 seconds to a minute of what you do will help drive traffic to you. Have a GoPro with you. If you spend money on video production use on various platforms. Edit and reuse make the most of the money you spent
From Bring on the Mojo presented by Carol Clark From Driving Awareness and Sales by Jonathan Miller and Shari Auldridge
Guidance on how to increase my profit by analyzing my inventory investment, budgeting, setting aside a portion of my cash inflow for operating. I have a tendency to over reinvest my profits - these formulas will give me the structure I need for discipline and then larger profits. I also found very helpful the concept of adjusting my pricing according to my inventory supply and project demands. Of course - Vern Yip's reminders about design measurements and ratios in addition to his color trend forecast was wonderful
Profit first Ryan Marsh Vern Yip
I learned to become more visible, use 30-60 second videos on all platforms. And put my logo on a t-shirt and stage it in a master closet, place my logo on wine bottle labels, water bottles...
“Drive Awareness and Sales with Content Branding Videos” by Johnathan Miller and Shari Auldridge.