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How to Expand Your Business into Holiday Design and Christmas Decorating

Do you want to grow your staging business during the slower holiday season?

Do you want to connect with a higher end clientele for design?

Do you love the holidays and holiday decorating?

Then this step-by-step, one-hour training video on, “Expanding Your Business to Holiday Design and Christmas Decorating” training video is for you!

What Will the Training Video Go Over?

  • “Homework” Ahead of Time in Preparation for the Service
  • Defining the Client’s Holiday Style – 8 Styles to Pick From
  • Repurposing Current Décor for a Brand New Look
  • What to Bring to Maximize Income/Impact and Your Retail Sales
  • Setting Expectations with Your Client and a Simple Process to Follow
  • Holiday Design Services and Pricing Model – Price Sheet Form Provided
  • Key Questions to Ask in the Phone Interview – Pre-Appointment Form Provided
  • How to Market Your New Service Easily and Affordably – Simple Ad and Direct Mail Ideas/Examples given

One Hour Video Training Includes these forms in Word for your business use:

  • Holiday Design FAQ Sheet – Tweak this for your website verbiage and SEO
  • Holiday Design Services and Pricing Example – Stair-stepped pricing that sets expectations
  • Holiday Design Pre-Appointment Interview Form (get a “read” on your client ahead of time)
  • Holiday Design Intro Email – Easy email template to send to client’s once you have appointment on the books. This sets the expectation and gets your client excited about the process.
  • Holiday Design Idea Websites and Sources to Inspire You
  • Two Ad Ideas for Mail-Outs, Facebook, local magazines, etc…

This is the first time Audra has ever sold a part of her training independently of her HSR Certified Program!

Only $75 for the entire Holiday Design Training!


Invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of knowledge!