Quit Day Job - HSR Home Staging Certification Training

Free Training on How to Quit Your Day Job and Become a Home Stager...woot!

Follow your passion and become an HSR Certified Professional Home Stager and Designer! Click on the button below to open a new window and see the training details:

Got a Question?  We've Got the Answers...

What is Audra's Story and why did she start the Home Staging Resource?

How are you different from other staging training companies out there?

Do I have to have a design and decorating background?

Does the certification course really take 21 days?  Do I have access after that period?

I am a veteran home stager.  What can HSR do for me?

Do you have any "hands-on training" options and how is it different?

I have a business partner...do we both have to pay full payment to take the course?

About how many hours a day is the Certification Training?

What is the renewal fees after my year of membership is up?

If I pay in payment installments, do you limit my access?