Staging Business Advice for Dealing with Covid-19

I've thought long and hard on how to approach everything we are seeing on the news regarding Covid-19 in a positive and productive email to you my dear readers. No doubt, you are getting a lot of these emails but my hope is to take a different and more "actionable" approach that is tailored to the staging/design industry and filled with helpful tips, useful tech tools, free training and weekly inspiration... First off, I want to encourage you by telling you that this is temporary. This too shall pass (hopefully sooner than later). We are all in this together. We are all impacted. Together we can be stronger and while the news shows the negative, I believe all of us has witnessed patience, grace and kindness at our local stores/communities in the wake of this more often than not. Homes still need selling and staging. I'm going to try and follow this equation in my business, family and community so I hope that it is helpful to you too... Prepared + Perspective + Productivity + Positivity = Peace and Empowerment Prepared... For your business -
Perspective I've had to have "perspective" conversations with my sons whose friends are still out hanging out with each other while they are "stuck inside". My girlfriend sent this quote to me and it helped my boys put their isolation in perspective AND shift into a more productive mode.
Productivity - I've decided to use this time to refresh my training, refocus on my goals and give back to my community of home stagers. The first thing I'm going to do is have weekly, "Staging Q & A Virtual Happy Hours" where we are just going to do Q & A sessions, look at gorgeous photos, encourage one another and brainstorm ways to make our businesses stronger, more organized and ready for when this temporary period is over.
Join me every Wednesday at 3pm (pacific time) at this link:
Here's some ideas for your business:
Here's some ideas for your family:
Positivity - This one is tough...but the world needs this from us today and we need this for ourselves. I will try to be positive and look for solutions...will you help me? Our industry is amazing and I think we can encourage and help one another weekly, so I hope you will join me this Wednesday as we kick off this new series of productive learning!
Maybe if we do all of those things, we can have more Peace and Empowerment in our lives, businesses and relationships. Sorry for the long read but I hope you found it helpful! XOXO Audra