videos on staging Archives - HSR Home Staging Certification Training
Tag Archives for " videos on staging "

How to Make a Logo in 2 Minutes

2 minute logo

When I spoke at the RESA Conference on Branding, I got so much feedback from stagers who needed more good tools and information, that I thought it would be fun to do a quick video on creating a logo using one of my favorite free online image editing programs.  I know it’s more “ideal” to pay a designer to do this for you but I also know that many of us are on a budget and want a bit more control over what our image and branding says about us.

Here’s a quick video I created that shows you how easy it is to create a nicer looking logo that you can use to watermark your photos:


If you liked that video, then you will really like the video I created on how to create a photo collage with your before and after photos!



XOXO – Happy Staging!

Audra Slinkey

Hope to hear from you!


Picture Perfect – Free Tutorial Video on Photo Editing!

In the HSR training, I emphasize the importance of having an image that looks FANTASTIC!  Whether we like it or not, we are in the “image” industry, so having a gorgeous website, portfolio, bio, forms, email signature, logo and brand really matters!  One of my favorite and FREE websites to use for branding is called PicMonkey.

Here is a quick video that shows you how to create a before-and-after “photo story” for your clients.  I like slideshows but sometimes your website visitors can be impatient, so having your best transformations branded with your name makes sense.

Here is a Free Video Tutorial on using one of my favorite, free online image editors…


Sky is the limit when it comes to using this cool tool!

You can use this same before-and-after full image as your Facebook cover too.  For instance,  here is a quick visual of what you can do to display your staging success:


XOXO – Happy Staging!

Audra Slinkey

Hope to hear from you!




Expect the Unexpected!

I love hearing the stories from our members as to why they decided to take our Home Staging  and Redesign Certification course and where they’ve taken their business!  What I find almost always is that it’s never exactly how they expected it to be.  I recently got an email from Debbie O’Neill of Fine Design Home Staging ( and laughed out loud…


My apologies for the late response. When you see what I have to share, you will understand why. When I first decided to enroll in your program, my thought was it would be fun and a great “side” career. I already work full time but I wanted an outlet for my creativity and to challenge myself with new goals.

Since mid March, 2013, I have staged 8 homes. Four out of the 6 homes for sale sold within two days that they were on the market.  Two of the houses were model homes for a builder.  All but one of the 6 homes had been vacant and on the market for a long period of time. One home I did a consultation and put the owner to work on two rooms that needed “help”. The owner rolled up her sleeves and implemented everything that I suggested. She received an offer the next day. My first job in March was with a builder who was looking for a local stager in the HSR Directory. Thus, I have continuous work to either stage one of their inventory homes or to stage their model homes. In addition, the builder has requested that I help them with their inventory and get organized! Another activity I love to do!

It has been a whirlwind of projects and put my business into hyper drive. I have done no advertising except for about six SEO suggestions that you made in the training. Everyone that has found me has done so through their Google searching and commented on my professional looking website which HSR created. I received jobs before I even had a chance to update my website.

So that it is in a nutshell. I am learning as I go and am excited to learn more about the business.

Yep, sometimes the “unexpected” can happen but it’s obvious to see from Debbie’s work below that her talent is undeniable!


Great job Debbie!

XOXO – Happy Staging!

Audra Slinkey

Hope to hear from you!


Lightbox – E-Design Info


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See the Training Overview Video new members watch on their first day!
See why HSR is one of only two RESA Accredited Home Staging Training companies!
See what is in each week’s training sections, the Design Modules and HSR Library!

Having trouble watching the video below, click here to watch in separate screen.