How to Prepare for a Vacant Home Staging Job...

A-Z Definitive Guide to Vacant Home Staging
By now you know there is a huge difference between how you handle homes that are lived in (occupied) and how you tackle homes that are vacant (empty). I detail this process in our Vacant Home Staging Guide which is in your Training Manual but for the most up to date Vacant Guide, click on the link below:
**This Guide is in your HSR Training Manual but you can also download it here and read it online.
***Resources for each video or either below the video OR at the bottom of this page.
Video 1 - How to Get Started Offering Vacant Staging
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/oqKnrkA14as
Resources from this Video (Click on the Image to Instantly Download):
Video 2 - Vacant Service Planning and Furniture Rentals
Download my "Vacant Service Planning Checklist", so you have the action steps for this service.
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/_LcZoPoP0eo
Video 3 - Vacant Accessory Shopping and HSR Member Photo Inspirations
Here is a video on and good resources links to inspire you on what to purchase and how to merchandise each space. Remember, there are thousands of similar photos in our Stagers Connect Facebook Group, so don't forget to take advantage of that great resource and search for the term "vacant" in that group!
Remember, for vacant staging you are simply "building out rooms" so keep it simple, be intentional in your shopping and get organized!
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/YyjMcgF1aOQ
How to Buy for Bedrooms Easily and Affordably
When you start building your inventory one of the hardest rooms to buy for is the bedroom. Why? Because mattresses are heavy and difficult to fit into homes. They are also hard to store and the goal is to choose items that are lightweight, store easily and can fit into every space.
Here's a Design Board I Created as a Solution for You:

The Total Cost for All of These Items is $300!
HSR Members Websites that Have More Photo Ideas...
Video 4 - Audra's EASY Vacant Price Model and Proposal Form
This video follows the pricing and process I discussed in the A-Z Vacant Guide which is in your Training Manual.
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4rpLPJiEl3c
Resources from this Video (Click on the Image to Instantly Download):
Dang, I hate when the Internet changes on me! The Link from Fixr for you to find your "Location Variable" is no longer available since they want you to fill out a long form, etc...never fear, as I have a fix...
I have a spreadsheet of areas across the country and their numbers, so pick the area most similar to yours in this Labor and Cost Spreadsheet to see whether your costs are typically higher or lower than the national average - Download the Labor and Cost Spreadsheet
This is a loose guide for you to follow and here is an excellent article that also helps you to understand comparative costs of living by state. If the cost of living is higher in your area, than you will need to charge more as that is the direct correlation - https://www.patriotsoftware.com/blog/accounting/average-cost-living-by-state/
Video 5 - Older Price Model and Forms
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4zDbZmZKmD4
Video 6 - How to Easily Take the Phone Order
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/HT2oXCqdnPo
Resources from this Video (Click on the Image to Instantly Download):
Here are Two Great Articles on the "Should Your Charge for Your Vacant Property Preview" Controversy:
Video 7 - Breakdown of the Vacant Agreement (Contract)
Please know that there is no way we can provide a legally binding contract that would work from state to state BUT here's some items you need to consider when building out your vacant contract...
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/HF5_lDPJA9A
Video 8 - How to Store Your Inventory and Wholesale vs. Designer Discounts
This was a live webinar I gave that provides some tricks to the trade in storing and moving your inventory. The video below this which shows you WHERE and HOW to shop the Las Vegas Market was the second portion of this live webinar...
This is also located in the Members Black Book Area
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/a6Xi64RwaGY
Video 9 - How to Shop the Furniture Market - The Best Vendors and Discounts!
This video is a continuation of the live webinar video above and is 72 minutes of pure shopping fun!
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/1khBWFMmsDs
Video 10 - Managing Your Inventory Wisely and a Demo of StageForce
If vacant staging is going to be a big part of your business (and it should if you want to make lots of alternative income), then begin shopping for items that go with the furniture at your local furniture rental company and keep them inventoried. You can start by using our basic example spreadsheet in Week One, Getting Started or better yet, use an amazing software subscription service from my friends Tori Prince (Stage Force) and Tammy (MyDarby)...
StageForce which is a newer inventory management company uses radio frequency technology to scan a whole room of inventory rather than each piece. It is a bit more costly but I recommend reviewing both companies which are good and considering your budget.
StageForce won the RESA Most Innovative Product of the Year 2018 and we did a live webinar demo that you can watch by CLICKING HERE. Make sure to mention HSR when connecting with these vendors.
If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please go to this private YouTube link: https://youtu.be/lWG0ZvhPpJs
Darby Inventory Management costs very little and will set you up for success from the start! It tracks your inventory, sales, invoicing, etc.. and will save you tons of time in the process! There are so many benefits to setting your business up right from the start using Darby that the best way I know how to explain it, is to have you go direct to Darby and check out the benefits yourself...in fact, the offer a free trial to get you started: Click here for your FREE TRIAL!
Video 11 - Total Design and Vacant Staging Project
This vacant home had a lot of phase three, cosmetic issues that needed to be addressed BEFORE it was staged and my sister created a design punch list that got these sellers 150K OVER asking price. Corrine gives her total how-to, staging tips and pricing in this information packed workshop with before-and-after photos...
Video 12 - Vacant Fixer Upper Project
This vacant home had a lot of phase three, cosmetic issues that needed to be addressed BEFORE it was staged. It was also worth about $300,000 on the high side, so return on investment had to be taken into consideration.
Additional Vacant Staging Tools and Resources
- Floorplanner - Easy tool to use for drawing out room layouts to get scale correct.
The Resources and Downloads Mentioned in This Section Are:
- A-Z Vacant Home Staging Guide
- Why Stage a Vacant Home
- Vacant Planning Checklist
- Vacant Project Checklist
- Vacant Staging Agreement (Contract)
- Vacant Home Worksheet
- Audra's Proposal in PowerPoint (3 Slides)
- Top Tips for Choosing a Home Stager in Word
- Vacant Basic Proposal - Stager Provides All
- Vacant Proposal Packages - Stager Provides All
- Vacant Price Sheet - Client Pays Rental Company
- Vacant Proposal - Client Pays Rental Company
- Vacant Timeline - Client Pays Rental Company
- Graph Paper
- Office Furniture Cutouts
- Furniture Cut Outs